Fertify® is the genetic test for assessing female risk for early menopause and age-related infertility. Fertify® test is recommended for women at any age, preferably until late thirties, before the age-related decline of fertility; women planning for infertility treatment, including in vitro fertilization (IVF); women planning for oocyte freezing. Fertify® test can be a helpful tool in family planning, as advanced…
The genetic test of sleep, developed by Sports Gene LLC allows comparing of established daily rhythm with internal rhythm arising from genetic disposition (i.e. whether a person is more likely an evening type or a morning type) and its impact on cognitive and athletic performance, eating behaviour and metabolism.
The test provides information about genetic risk for developing different medical conditions and diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, oncological diseases, eye diseases, vitamin deficiency and others. Moreover, the test evaluates the genetic predisposition to obesity.